Special Flood Hazard Area Requirements

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General submission requirements for all construction within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

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This page provides a guide for all new residential, commercial, additions and shell construction projects. Following these guidelines will help ensure the application, plans and supporting documentation are complete and sufficient for permit submittal which will ensure a timely review and response.

Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

All properties located within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) shall have full compliance with the requirements of the Hillsborough County Construction Code, Hillsborough County Land Development Code, ASCE 24, the Florida Building Code and all other applicable laws and regulations that govern the standards set forth within the National Flood Insurance Program; most restrictive shall apply.

Verify the applicable zoning district, flood hazard areas and Base Flood Elevation(s) (BFEs) on the Hillsborough County Flood Zone Viewer and FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC). Parcel details can also be obtained from the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser website.

If the property is located within a Coastal High Hazard Area (Zone V) and Coastal A Zone or areas known to have muck soils, highly organic suspect soils, or where there is erosion, scour or settling of underlying soils on the property; more information may be required to ensure the project meets the applicable code requirements for all development within these areas.

Note: A soils and foundation analysis (geotechnical report) may be required to be provided by a Florida Registered Engineer that shows supporting information and a recommendation for the foundation design of the proposed structure.

Elevation certificate requirements

The applicant shall submit an Elevation Certificate ( FEMA Form FF-206-FY-22-152 ) marked “Construction Drawings” with the building permit application.

In lieu of the Construction Drawings Elevation Certificate, the applicant shall submit a signed and sealed site plan with the effective flood zone boundary and flood elevations indicated. This Elevation Certificate OR Signed and Sealed site plan shall be used to determine if the proposed design is in compliance with the Florida Building Code (FBC), the Hillsborough Country Construction Code (HCCC), and the Flood Damage Control Regulations (PART 3.06.00 of the Land Development Code).

After the foundation is built and the elevation of the lowest floor is determined, another Elevation Certificate shall be submitted that is marked “Building Under Construction”.

In lieu of the “Building Under Construction” Elevation Certificate, a signed and sealed Foundation Tie-In Survey indicating the lowest floor shall be located at the job site indicating the as-built floor elevation. This will document the elevation of surrounding grades and the lowest floor to ensure they comply with the approved plans before further construction is allowed.

Once construction on the building is finished (including electrical and mechanical) and all adjacent grading is finalized, a complete and correct “Finished Construction” Elevation Certificate must be submitted indicating the as-built characteristics of the building. A “Finished Construction” Elevation Certificate must be received, reviewed, and corrected (if necessary) before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued.

Substantial improvement or substantial damage to existing structures

Substantial Improvement Worksheets are required for all projects within the SFHA and shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions; any alteration, repair, additions, reconstruction or improvements to a building shall have the Worksheets completed and uploaded with the construction plans for review and recording with the permit application -OR- an approved FEMA Elevation Certificate submitted by the applicant which documents the building is properly elevated and conforms to flood resistant construction requirements.

Elevated Structures within SFHAs

Enclosed areas, including crawlspaces, that are below the Base Flood Elevation shall be used solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage. Where the lowest floor is six (6) feet or higher above the final lowest adjacent grade, the enclosed area below the lowest floor shall not be partitioned, finished into separate rooms or temperature controlled.

All enclosures below elevated structures must be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Hydrostatic Flood Vents and flood resistant materials must be installed in compliance as per applicable code.

Construction within the regulatory floodway

When floodways are designated within the SFHA on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS), additional criteria will be met. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, notwithstanding any of the above, the following provisions shall apply:

Buildings and structures located in whole or in part in identified floodways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with ASCE 24 and all applicable code requirements.

Design and certification of dry floodproofing

The Floodproofing Certificate is for a building that has a commercial or other nonresidential use. The Floodproofing Certificate ( FEMA form FF-206-FY-22-153 ), must be prepared by a registered professional engineer or architect, certifying that the design and methods of construction of the nonresidential building are in accordance with the accepted practices for meeting the floodproofing requirements.
