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My Accounts

Secure, free online self-service account management - putting the control of your asset finance account into your hands.

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Manage all your asset accounts using our convenient self-service option. Here you can update personal and payment details, obtain a transaction history, get settlements, tax certificates, cross-border letters, registration papers, statements and more.

Please ensure you have your cell phone on hand so that you can accept your registration..

What is MFC online self-service account management service?

It's a free service that gives you secure online self-service access to update your personal and account payment information as well as access to your personal and vehicle/asset documentation, including latest statements, settlement figures and e-statemen

It'sYour account in your handsTM!

What are the benefits?

How do I register?

It's easy and it won't cost you a thing.

Step 1: Get your Nedbank ID

Your Nedbank ID gives you secure access to the MFC Online Account Management Service.

(Please ensure you have your cell phone on hand so that you can accept your registration)

Step 2: Manage your vehicle account



Earn Rewards as a Responsible Borrower

Stand to win your loan back by simply paying it on time.

Staying in control of your debt is the best thing you can do for your financial future, as it helps you maintain a healthy credit profile and can secure you better loan interest rates over time.

And now, with Responsible Borrower, you also stand to win your loan back every three months by simply making your monthly repayments on time!

Benefits of Responsible Borrower